About Us

Melanie K. Silva, Owner of Mel's Studio

When asked to describe myself, I say that I am a food artist. Whether I am creating a cake, catering an event, or teaching a cooking class, my passion is in the art of food.

Since 1982, I have worked in the food industry as a cake decorating instructor, cake decorator, bakery manager and bakery buyer. I am currently Director of Research and Development for Bakery and Food Court for a large national retailer headquartered in the greater Seattle area.

My passion for food has inspired me to take the first step in launching Mel's Studio. I currently operate this business on the side while continuing to work at my full-time job. I have plans to operate Mel's Studio on a full-time basis when I retire from my job within the next several years.


Serving South King County including the cities of Auburn, Burien, Covington, Black Diamond, Des Moines, Enumclaw, Federal Way, Kent, Normandy Park, Renton, SeaTac and Tukwila.


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